Bloom allows you to save money first. The efficiency built into Bloom's fuel cell systems allows a typical customer to achieve a 3-5 year financial payback making it an easy and economically sound choice.
But the economics aren't the only story. Customers can also cut their CO2 emissions by 40%-100% compared to the U.S. grid (depending on their fuel choice) and virtually eliminate all SOx, NOx, and other harmful smog forming particulate emissions. Installing Bloom Energy Servers allows you to dramatically reduce your carbon footprint, but not at the cost of your bottom line.
When operating on pipeline-delivered natural gas, Bloom systems efficiently and electrochemically convert that fuel into low-carbon, baseload electricity. The same Energy Servers can also provide a carbon neutral generation solution operating on renewable fuels such as biogas. Bloom's fuel flexibility allows customers to choose the solution that is right for them.
Bloom Energy proves that reducing your carbon footprint and your energy costs are no longer mutually exclusive.
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